Preventive Dentistry
Dental Checkups & Teeth Cleanings
While brushing and flossing diligently each and every day is a vital part of maintaining excellent oral health, some potential concerns can go unnoticed by untrained eyes. That’s why the most important step you can take towards enjoying your best smile for years to come is scheduling checkups and cleanings every six months. Dr. Creisher is as thorough as possible when examining patients of all ages, and we include the following steps:
* An in-depth evaluation of your oral hygiene.
* An assessment of your current risk of gum disease/tooth decay and whether any restorative work is necessary.
* An inspection of your current bite and any potential bruxism/TMJ concerns.
* The capturing of digital X-rays for a comprehensive look, if necessary.
We will also want to discuss any concerns you personally have about your oral health and smile, including the effects of diet, smoking, and certain medications. If you’re experiencing any strange symptoms or discomfort, we will be more than happy to discuss and concerns you may have. We want to create the best treatment plan that addresses your needs and exceeds your expectations.
Additionally, a professional cleaning from one of our talented hygienists will remove decay-causing plaque and tartar from your smile, leaving teeth polished and refreshed. We will provide plenty of education on proper home care for patients who need assistance, demonstrating solid brushing and flossing techniques in helpful ways. We want patients to leave feeling great about their oral health.
Preventive Dentistry
Restorative Dentistry
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